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Help & Support

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WaveLess Help

Installation & Permissions

Samsung Devices

Get instructions about how to install the app on most Samsung devices, and why you need to allow permissions. We do not sell any of your data!

Other Android Devices

Get instructions about how to install the app on most Android devices and, why you need to allow permissions. We do not sell any of your data!

WaveLess App Modules

What is Pocket Mode?

The app detects when the phone is in your pocket. When that happens, internet traffic for all applications is blocked, except for those that are allowed on the Pocket Block List.

Wi-Fi High Radiation Warning

When the Wi-Fi signal is poor, phones emit higher levels of radiation and heat to ensure connection. If you are on a call, WaveLess will warn you if the signal becomes weak with a notification.

Phone Distance Trainer

Protect your child. The app teaches your child how to avoid body contact with the device when on a phone or video call.

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