Block Harmful Phone Radiation

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Cell Phone Radiation Tips

What is Pocket Mode?

WaveLess protects you when the device is touching you or is close to your pelvic area.

The app detects when the phone is in your pocket. When that happens, internet traffic for all applications is blocked, except for those that are allowed on the Pocket Block List.

In addition, the app turns off Bluetooth, which is continuously scanning and connecting to networks.

Pocket Block List

The WaveLess way is to balance our digital life and the need to avoid phone radiation.

Screenshot of Pockt block list in WaveLess App. On the image list of apps and little boxes next to the names, to tap on and make the apps connected or blocked from the internet.

Pocket Block List makes it easy for you to decide which apps need to be on when the phone is in your pocket.

The default setting blocks all apps besides the ones for taxis, food delivery, and dating.

You can also customize which apps are blocked. For the best results, it is recommended you only allow the apps you need to be connected. Remember, the apps are only blocked when the device is in your pocket.

For example, You can keep the games blocked while making sure that your boss can reach you on WhatsApp.

Pocket Mode Report

The app tracks how long you were protected from radiation and heat.

Phone in a pocket. Part of it is popping out. On the screen, it is written: 12 Hours Less Radiation.

From time to time WaveLess will notify you about it with Pocket Mode Report.

Block Harmful Phone Radiation

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Get The Best Radiation Protection

Radiation protection is best achieved through prevention! We call it The WaveLess Method: The app intelligently warns you or blocks internet connections when SAR radiation values and heat levels are high.

It does it at all moments of dangerous exposure, without interfering with your digital life.

A woman is holding a smartphone, half popping out of her pocket. On the screen is written: Wi-Fi 5G Off.

Block Harmful Phone Radiation

Logo Google Play Store. Text: Get it on Google Play.

Related Tips:

Wi-Fi High Radiation Warning Mode
Phone Distance Training Mode
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