Block Harmful Phone Radiation

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Our Vision

The WaveLess way is to balance our digital life and the need to avoid phone radiation.

A pole holds three signs. Top one reads Radiation = Digital Life, bottom one reads No Radiation = No Phone. In between them, the sign reads The WaveLess Way.

Hello, my name is Shlomi Refaeli, the creator of the WaveLess App.

The idea stemmed from my concern about EMF phone radiation. So, I began researching and uncovered some intriguing insights:

EMF & SAR Phone Radiation Seem to be Harmful

For instance, one of the world's most renowned universities published a meta-research in 2021.

The UC Berkeley School of Public Health unveiled a robust link between mobile phone EMF radiation and tumors, particularly in the brain.

However, just like life, phone radiation is complicated too. I found out that:

Logo WaveLess App: Palm stand with wifi symbol in the middle - Implying stop radiation.
Pocket Mode

Protects your reproductive organs from SAR phone radiation

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EMF & SAR Phone Radiation don't Seem to be Harmful either

Other studies didn't find any connection between phone radiation and health problems.

Infrared effect picture with a woman holding a cell phone and radiation flowing from the device to her body.

One of the reasons is that there is no good control group to compare.

No Radiation = No Digital Life!

While most of us desire a digital life for various reasons, I've encountered people who consistently wonder and worry about the health implications.

Phone Radiation Bias

It's challenging to believe that something invisible, like phone radiation, can harm us.

A woman is wearing tight jeans with a cell phone popping out of the back pocket. The pocket has the WaveLess logo, which includes a palm stand with wifi symbol in the middle, implying that it stops radiation.

Discussing ways to protect against it might sound absurd.

Logo WaveLess App: Palm stand with wifi symbol in the middle - Implying stop radiation.
Call Mode

High Wi-Fi Radiation Warning keeps your brain safe

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The Inspiration - Ignac Semmelweis

Over the history of medical science, there was a similar bias, it was the Biological Hygiene Bias.

Ignac Semmelweis

Ignac Semmelweis, a pioneer in hygiene practices, was a Hungarian physician in the 19th century. He was my inspiration when inventing the WaveLess app.

His story is also a good analogy for how science relates to phone radiation nowadays.

Semmelweis used science with meticulous observation and experimentation. He discovered that proper handwashing and cleaning medical tools reduced the mortality rate.

Despite showing solid data, his fellow doctors refused to accept it. The microscope hadn't been invented yet, and nobody was aware of bacterias and germs.

The science paradigm was that people get sick because of Miasma, an unseen "bad air".

It took many years and countless unnecessary deaths until people could see bacteria and use Biological Hygiene Methods.

Phone Radiation Protection = Prevention

Similar to Biological Hygiene, I found that phone radiation protection is best achieved through prevention.

Can we balance our digital life with the need to avoid phone radiation?

Logo WaveLess App: Palm stand with wifi symbol in the middle - Implying stop radiation.
Phone Distance Trainer

Teaches your child how to avoid body contact with the device

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Home & Device Radiation Hygiene Method

In short: The WaveLess Way. Each time you wash your hands, your body undergoes a preventive event with many bacteria.

WaveLess App logo animation. Palm stands with wifi symbol animated in the middle - Implying stop radiation. Below text: Prepering your WaveLess Digital Life.

The soap doesn't eliminate them all, but it eradicates enough to prevent numerous diseases. The same principle applies to The WaveLess Way.

The Modules

WaveLess intelligently warns you or blocks internet connections when SAR radiation values and heat levels are high. It operates during all moments of dangerous exposures without interfering with your digital life.

A woman is holding a smartphone, half popping out of her pocket. On the screen is written: Wi-Fi 5G Off.

Block Harmful Phone Radiation

Logo Google Play Store. Text: Get it on Google Play.

Related Topic:

What is Sar Phone Radiation?
An arrow points up.