EMF Protection The Next Generation

Start Blocking
Harmful EMFs

EMF Phone Radiation & Cancer

One of the world's most renowned universities, UC Berkeley, published research on the connection between cancer and mobile phone radiation.

A woman talking on the phone. Around her ears, a red color effect shows the spread of radiation.  Her face has a slight pained expression.

A July 2021 meta-research from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health revealed a strong link between mobile phone EMF radiation and tumors, particularly in the brain.

Get The Best EMF Protection

WaveLess is Innovative Android App. It's intelligently warns you, or blocks internet connections, when radiation and heat exposure levels are high.

It does it at all moments of dangerous exposure, without interfering with your digital life.

A woman is holding a smartphone, half popping out of her pocket. On the screen is written: Wi-Fi 5G Off.

Start Blocking Harmful EMFs

Logo Google Play Store. Text: Get it on Google Play.

Phone Radiation Bias

A head picture of Joel Moskowitz

Joel Moskowitz, a researcher in the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley, in an interview with UC Berkeley News::

"Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it."

Start Blocking Harmful EMFs

Logo Google Play Store. Text: Get it on Google Play.
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